Ann Martinelli, MADS

Ann serves as a Training and Consultation Specialist for The Community Living Education Project providing information, education and support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families about the possibilities of community living.
Ann’s professional experience includes working as an in-home Early Interventionist and family advocate for sixteen years. Ann, as a family mentor with a support coordination agency and then with CLEP, worked under NJ’s Olmstead Path to Progress to assist people as they moved from state institutions to the community, particularly during the closure of two developmental centers.
Ann holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Georgian Court University and a Master of Arts degree in Disability Studies from the City University of New York’s School of Professional Studies.
Ann is the parent of 3 adult children and a grandmother of 5. Her son, Joe, has an Individual budget through DDD and is entering his 19th year self-directing his supports and services. Her work with CLEP allows her to share her son’s story enabling others to see how person-centered thinking and planning creates a full life within a community of choice.
Ann has advocated on a state and national level for people and their families and is currently an active member of Regional Family Support Planning Council #6 in Monmouth/Ocean counties. She is also an active member of the NJ Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Network’s Person-Centered/Self-Directed Services Committee.