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The Community Living Education Project (CLEP)
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The Community Living Education Project (CLEP)
  • What We Do

signpost cut-outs reading "support" "guidance" and "help" on a table with office supplies

What We Do

Our Work

The Community Living Education Project provides education, training, and resources about the possibilities of community living within New Jersey. We recognize that every person's situation is unique. We take a person-centered approach to providing you the assistance you need, when and how you need it.

Explore the Possibilities of Community Living

Mentor and Guide Individuals and Families

Since 1991, we have worked one-on-one with individuals and families to assist in the transition to community living. Whether you have questions about housing, setting up supports, employment, transitioning to Adult Services, planning for the future, or something else, we're here to help. Please get in touch and someone from our team will follow up with you shortly. Our services are provided at no cost to you or your DDD budget. 

Host Live Webinars

We host monthly live webinars on topics related to intellectual and developmental disabilities and community living. Webinar topics and discussions are geared toward New Jersey residents, but all are welcome to attend.

Past Webinar Recordings

In case you missed it or want a refresher on the topic discussed, we maintain a digital archive of all our past webinars and have them available for viewing here.

Provide Educational Resources

Not sure where to start? This website is set up to help you learn about key topics and concepts. Browse at your own pace through our Educational Resources on topics such as self-direction, person-centered planning, direct support professionals, assistive technology, the Olmstead Decision, and much more.


Stay in-the-know through our monthly newsletter, where we share events, information, and resources of relevance to the intellectual and developmental disability community in New Jersey. Subscribe today!

Partner with Community Colleges

CLEP partners with community colleges to prepare young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities as they prepare for adulthood.


a hand being held between two other hands resting on a table

Lisa F.

"To say that these are caring people would be a gross understatement.   Not only is their concern genuine, but [Natalie and Melanie] are unequivocally the model gold standards for compassion, care, and comprehensive advocacy that all families in the Special Needs world could only hope to be assisted by. They have given us priceless unlimited guidance and emotional support during an extremely challenging time in the lives of us and our daughter’s. We are forever grateful that an agency like CLEP exists!"

a manicured fair-skinned hand holding a smartphone

Joyce C.

"My availability often is after work hours. Maria and Natalie have always made themselves available at a time that fits my schedule, and they have always been affirming and pleasant, yet honest, in their sharing. Because of the resources and support I have received from Maria and Natalie, my daughter and I have had an easier journey than we would have had if we were traveling this new road alone. I am grateful for these women, and I will certainly recommend Rutgers CLEP to any family in my situation."

a fair-skinned hand holding a heart up against the sunset

Michael K.

"Natalie has not only worked in the field for many years, but she's the parent of an adult child with a disability, lending the perfect combination of formal and family credentials to the job she loves and does so well.  [She] and your [other] staff kept referring to me as an 'advocate,' something I didn't really believe until the process was over, by which time they had taught me so much that the term felt more comfortable and genuine.”

a downwards angle of an animated discussion between multiple seated people

Robert Z.

"Ms. McGackin and Ms. Trump were an invaluable asset in the transition process. They were kind, professional and gave us advice from their own experiences. They were always available to meet with us and our team at Bancroft and DDD."

silhouetted individual in a wheelchair

Isabella N., Executive Director of Momcares Provider Agency

"CLEP’s commitment to follow-through with C.V.’s progress is amazing and I will be forever grateful to Natalie, Melanie and CLEP as a whole as they work hard to make sure that no young individual with a disability is forgotten in a nursing home. Keep up the good work!”

two brown-skinned hands clasped together

Carmelys V.

"I am very grateful to and for CLEP for making it possible for me to get discharged from the nursing home and into the community. My prayer is that no young person should be stuck in a nursing home. Thank you, Natalie Trump, and Melanie McGackin, for being a part of my support system and family. Thank you CLEP for having such a dynamic duo on board!"