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The Community Living Education Project (CLEP)
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The Community Living Education Project (CLEP)


My Life Now July 2024 Cover

Please click here to read the inaugural edition of My Life Now online, or click here to download a pdf:


After a successful decade as a print magazine, The Community Living Education Project (CLEP) is thrilled to re-launch this publication in an online format.

Our mission remains the same: to spotlight individuals who have transitioned from developmental centers, nursing homes, or family homes to vibrant community settings.  We celebrate their journeys of empowerment and self-discovery and share how they have embraced choice and control in their lives.

At CLEP, we believe that everyone deserves a life of choice and control.  Yet, we also recognize that for many individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, this concept remains elusive.  Through our work, we strive to instill the principles of person-centered planning, empowering individuals to shape their destinies.

Throughout this online magazine, you’ll see opportunities to view videos of the featured individual. We felt it was important to share their stories in their own words whenever possible.

In this edition, we shine a spotlight on Carmelys Vincent, a remarkable individual whose story epitomizes the essence of a person-centered approach to community living.  Carmelys was featured in our recent documentary video, From Possibility to Reality: Person-Centered Approaches to Community Living because she is proof of what is possible with the right supports in place. In this edition of My Life Now, Carmelys shares more about her experiences and insights as she navigates her new life, as well as the opportunities she found after her participation in our documentary.