Unsure Where to Even Begin?

Winter is often considered the bleakest time of the year because of the stark landscape and long days. But we can look at this time of year differently, too. We are also on the precipice of change; we know it’s coming soon.
While New Year’s resolutions for people with disabilities and their families can be painful reminders for things that cannot be changed, a stark winter landscape in February can be seen as a reminder of all that CAN be changed. It can be seen as a clean slate for new thoughts and plans to move forward and empower yourself or a loved one. After all, no matter how long these days may seem, spring always comes.
Learning and advocacy for a loved one is a lifelong commitment and can sometimes feel overwhelming. Let us acknowledge that it is overwhelming. No one has all the solutions, and some ideas and suggestions may be so distant from a person’s reality they seem unachievable. Our Community Living Education Project (CLEP) team includes members with vastly different personal stories around supporting someone with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Sometimes, none of our stories will resonate with the people we support, because to them, they sound unrealistic. But through learning, new thoughts and plans can begin to seem possible.
As we wait for warmer days and the first buds of spring, we invite you to make a commitment to start by learning more about person-centered thinking and planning. This can be a step towards empowerment and envisioning changes, however small they may be.
The intentional focus of person-centered planning creates a fuller life. It can also bring joy and happiness to the family as they can see a change, however small, in their loved one’s life. Even small steps add up over time. For proof of this, one need only look outside. The sun rose at 7:20 a.m. on January 1, on January 31st it will rise at 7:07 a.m. Each day we get a little closer to spring, and small changes that we can make towards a person-centered life.